Factory Tour on February 6, 2025

February 6, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am 993 George Downes Drive, Kulnura NSW 2250

Select a ticket from the list below. Tours are restricted to 15 people. If you would like to book a tour and lunch package at Cafe Bambinos please email us info@eastcoastbeverages.com.au

Ticket quantities can be updated on the cart page. Tickets can be purchased up to 6pm the Tuesday before the tour.

Please read the terms and conditions before purchasing tickets. You will be required to agree to the terms during the checkout process.

Ticket Type Price Qty. Cart

Eastcoast Beverages Tour Agreement Effective Date: 09/05/2024.

Welcome to our Farm & Factory

This tour agreement applies to all visitors who intend to enter Eastcoast Beverages factory and outside factory areas. To ensure your safety and to understand our safety rules, please read this agreement carefully and sign below.

All visitors must sign in and out at Bambino’s Cafe. 


Our Safety Rules 

- No visitors are to enter the premises or surrounding areas without being accompanied by an Eastcoast Team Member and without appropriate authority and instruction on safety and hygiene. Stay with your tour guide at all times, do not leave your tour group without letting your tour guide know first.

- Forklifts; Be aware forklifts operate on the driveway and around the factory, do not walk in front of a moving forklift, keep at least 3 metres away from forklifts, be aware forklifts have reversing beepers to alert pedestrians

- Driveway; Trucks, delivery vehicles and forklifts use the driveway and surrounding area, check for traffic before crossing the driveway and do not walk in front of a moving vehicle

- Moving Machinery; Do not touch any moving machinery

- Cleaning Operations; Do not enter areas undergoing chemical cleaning

- Wet Floors; Ensure care to avoid slips and falls

- Report any issues to your tour guide


Our Hygiene Rules

- Visitors suffering illness or infection may not enter the factory. Eastcoast Beverages will be producing fresh juices for sale during your visit and our customers health and safety is our priority.

- Hairnets must be worn at all times inside the factory without exception

- Closed toe shoes must be worn inside the factory, and foot baths will be used to wash shoe soles on entry

- Visitors may not bring any food or drink items inside the factory, no chewing gum, lozenges or food in pockets

- Visitors may not bring any loose items into the factory. Handbags, strollers and loose items in pockets etc must be left outside before entry

- Visitor may not touch any unfinished product, packaging or ingredient

- Do not lean over or into any tanks

- No glass or ceramics allowed inside the factory (spectacles accepted)

- Report an issues to your tour guide


Workplace Health and Safety 

Visitors to the premises are required to adhere to the legal requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety Act and any Company safety rules as directed by the host including: - Wearing of protective footwear (closed-in shoes) at all times in the factory.

 - The visitor is required to wear any personal protective equipment, as supplied and directed by the host.

- Obey all safety warning signs and directives

 - Do not touch, remove or interfere with any equipment or material unless authorised to do so

- Designated smoking area only at the outside lunchroom 

- Cameras and other recording devices are NOT allowed within Eastcoast Beverages areas unless prior approval for specific areas has been given by our management. Note that you may be video monitored while within our areas. 

- Emergencies; Any emergency such as fire evacuation, please go to the Eastcoast front gate Emergency Assembly Area immediately and wait for Roll Call.  

- Critters; Be aware there may be native critters on the farm, if you see a living creature that may be dangerous, walk away from it and let the Bambino’s Team know what you saw.


School & Group Tours

Group Booking Emergency Control; for school groups and similar, the teachers/carers attending on the day will be considered the primary first aiders for the group in an emergency situation. The Eastcoast team will assist with any first aid requirements where needed.